The Restoration Lawyer Quick Catalog
Contractors all over the nation now have an opportunity to take charge of their projects with carefully crafted contract forms, guidance on Assignments,
insurance information authorization letters, and the ultimate guide to collections.
The Book on Assignment of Benefits
A Training Program with Fillable Forms for 50 States.
Assignments allow restorers to cause insurance companies to pay a reasonable price for restoration service, and to pay a second time if the insurer sends the restorer’s money to the policyholder.

The book includes:
Digital or Softcover
There is no greater way to empower a restorer to recover fair market value for restoration service than with a properly-drafted Assignment of Insurance Rights.
The Book on Restoration Collections
A Training Program with Customizable Bad Faith Demand Letters for 50 States.
Includes downloadable Demand Letters for all 50 states
Litigation can often be avoided while still overcoming problems with adjuster lowballing, the inappropriate use of standardized prices, interference from third-party consultants and bill reviewers, workmanship complaints from customers, and vigorous opposition from lawyers representing carriers and policyholders. Learn ways to properly leverage mechanic’s liens, neutralize adjuster excuses, and cut through the smokescreen.
Digital or Softcover
The Restoration Collections ToolKit
The Restoration Collections ToolKit

Nail your collections
The Restoration Collections Toolkit is here to help you nail your collections. This easy-to-use package provides both the blueprint and the tools for you to build a successful collections system from the outset of each job. Securing payment for restoration work starts before you even before the customer signs a contract. The Toolkit will provide guidance and resources as you bring your collection files to completion.
What’s in the Package
Contents Restoration Contract Package + Training Program
Contents Restoration Contract Package + Training Program

Contents restoration companies can now take advantage of these special contract forms and provisions for inventories, packouts, restoration, storage, and packbacks. All forms listed below are included in this extensive package.
What’s in the Package
General Cleaning & Restoration
Contract Package
General Cleaning & Restoration Contract Package

Bringing our expertise to whichever state you’re in!
This package is ready to be made compliant. Instead of spending thousands of dollars to hire a lawyer to create forms from scratch, we offer a much more economical alternative so your lawyer can hit the ground running with our specific restoration contract provisions prepared by industry expert, Ed Cross.
What’s in the Package
California Cleaning & Restoration Contract Package plus Training Program
California Cleaning & Restoration Contract Package
plus Training Program

To comply with CA state statutes, restorers end up with a minimum of 8 pages that need to be seen and/or signed by the customer.
What’s in the Package
Florida Cleaning & Restoration
Contract Package
Florida Cleaning & Restoration Contract Package

Florida restorers have a package of forms ready to use and battle-tested.
What’s in the Package
Michigan Cleaning & Restoration Contract Package

Michigan restorers have a package of forms ready to use.
What’s in the Package
Texas Cleaning & Restoration Contract Package plus Training Program
Texas Cleaning & Restoration Contract Package
plus Training Program

Don’t mess Texas…. rings true for complying with state statutes and the licensing board.
What’s in the Package
The Book on Washington State Restoration Contracts
The Book on Washington State Restoration Contracts

Don’t Use homemade contracts!
Our standardized Cleaning & Restoration Package for the State of Washington is a robust collection of contract forms, disclaimers, disclosures, forms, and guidance material designed by experts in the legal and financial issues that impact Washington restorers. Nothing like it is available anywhere, and now it is available to Washington restorers at a small fraction of the cost to hire a lawyer to draft contracts from scratch.
What’s in the Package
Subcontract Package
Subcontract Package

Restore your confidence in subcontracts!
What’s in the Package
California Household Mover Forms
CA Household Mover Forms