Restoration Collections ToolKit


Nail your Collections!

  • The Blueprint For a Successful Collection Strategy
  •  Restoration Collections Checklist
  •  Scripts For Collection Calls
  •  5 Different Collections Letters
  • Ghosting Adjuster Letter
  •  Letter Justifying Customization of Restoration Price Lists
  •  Interest and Service Charge Calculator
  • Settlement Agreement and Payment Plan Forms
  • Instructional Video and Written Instructions
Instant Download


Nail Your Collections!

The Restoration Collections Toolkit is here to help you nail your collections. This easy-to-use package provides both the blueprint and the tools for you to build a successful collections system from the outset of each job. Securing payment for restoration work starts before the customer signs a contract. The Toolkit will provide guidance and resources as you bring your collection files to completion.

Inside the kit, you will find these tools:

    • The Blueprint For a Successful Collection Strategy
    •  Restoration Collections Checklist
    •  Scripts For Collection Calls
    •  5 Different Collections Letters
    • Ghosting Adjuster Letter
    •  Letter Justifying Customization of Restoration Price Lists
    •  Interest and Service Charge Calculator
    • Settlement Agreement and Payment Plan Forms
    • Instructional Video and Written Instructions