Maximize Restoration Collections

Collection Hassles? Along with high quality workmanship and good people skills, good contracts and documentation are the most important tools to prevent collection hassles such as, operational inconsistency, strained customer relations and expensive and time-consuming legal controversy.  They should be professionally-prepared and reviewed annually by an attorney.  This adds a layer of protection in the form of accountability.

Collections are expedited when the price calculations in invoices mirror the pricing structure in the signed contract.  The restorer is in a much stronger position when he can respond to price objections by pointing to the specific place in the contract where the customer agreed to that particular price. 

Considerable grief can be avoided if each page of a price list is initialed by the customer. The more confusion and disorganization in a file, the more time it will take a law office to sort it out, and the more legal expense the restorer will incur.  None of this is necessary in an organized paper flow system.

Effective restoration project administration focuses on the use of:
Good written contracts;
Good communications with all involved parties;
Thorough project documentation;
Monitoring and record keeping;
Appropriate methods to manage risk;
An ability to understand and coordinate multiple tasks;
And effectively manage the expectations of the interested parties.

Over the decades of practice we have assembled the 10 steps to Maximize Collections.
Watch the video here. Get the Book. Start Maximizing Collections Now.

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