Restore Confidence in Your Company’s Contracts

You know how important documentation is to prove that the work your company performed on a loss was correct. But keeping up with all the changes in rules and regulations is exhausting. How nice would it be to have one place to find and download all your company’s documents? Look no further!

Our contracts are clear, simple and easy to implement within your company. Give your employees the confidence to stand up to the insurance companies, dishonest customers, and protect your business for years to come.

  • Save Time
  • Get Paid
  • Protect Your Business

Separate Forms

Insurance companies are often unaware that their insureds have assigned the rights to insurance proceeds to their contractors.  The “Tender of Assignment to Insurance Company” is a form letter to send to all property insurance companies that cover or may cover a loss you have been hired to address.  The purpose is to direct special attention to the assignment of claim and direction of payment.

The Refusal Confirmation Letter is designed to release the contractor from liability where the contractor is prevented from performing the project in the manner the contractor deems necessary.  For example, if an adjuster or customer asks the contractor to remove drying equipment before the structure is dry, this form puts the customer on formal notice of the potential ramifications of incomplete drying.  It also asks the customer to waive any claims for damage that could result from the refusal.

The Customer’s Certification of Completion and Satisfaction is for use at the conclusion of the final walk-through of all projects, residential or otherwise.  Although it is not required by law, it is short and simple but very powerful.  It provides an opportunity for the parties to discuss any outstanding issues.  These Certificates have meant the difference between victory and defeat in legal actions involving cleaning and restoration companies.  Although the Certificate does not constitute a waiver of claims for latent (hidden) defects, it prevents customers from claiming they were dissatisfied with the work, at least as of the date they signed the Certificate.  The Certificate can also help discourage an insurance adjuster from claiming deficiencies in the work.

The Contents Disposal Authorization is to be used when contents on a project need to be disposed, and is an important part of project documentation.  It should be accompanied by proper photo-documentation.  It is not a substitute for good verbal communications and agreement with the customer and adjuster about the restoration and salvage of the property.

The Change Order form is used to memorialize any change in scope, price, completion date or legal terms. Making liberal use of change orders shows refinement and professionalism, and creates a paper trail of any changes requested during a project. This form complies with California’s requirements for Change Orders on home improvement projects.

This is a simple disclosure required by California law.  It should be used on both residential and commercial jobs.  The first part is the basic disclosure of a contractor’s rights to assert a lien against real property.  The second part is a disclosure of information about the California State Contractor’s License Board and the remedies a customer may pursue.

We know how hard it is to decode legal terminology.

It often seems like it’s intentional and that it’s meant to confuse everyone. We’ve helped cleaning and restoration companies tailor contracts to their state’s rules and regulations so they are protected against insurance companies, dishonest customers, and unforeseen circumstances on losses.

Litigation Crash Course: The 4 Basic “Phases” Of A Civil Lawsuit

Contract Forms
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